If you’ve been to the gym on a Saturday morning, you probably know who Randy is. If you didn’t see Randy, you probably struggled to find a parking spot. Randy has been our guardian angel, ensuring that members have parking during the bustling farmers market.
Randy has been part of our Wareing community since John Wareing first opened the gym doors in the 60s.
What makes Randy special isn’t just his role as a parking attendant. It’s his grit and resilience for life that truly set him apart.
Last year, Randy called me on a Friday before his shift. He was in the hospital. Randy has struggled with health issues his entire life, and those same issues were starting to resurface.
But Randy made a decision that day that would change everything: he went ALL IN on his health and fitness. From a man who had always battled self doubt and limitations, he discovered an unexpected passion for fitness and pushing his own boundaries. His journey hasn’t been easy. Like any hero, he has faced numerous physical and emotional challenges. His solution? Control the controllables and focus on the fundamentals. And the discipline to practice those fundamentals, EVERY DAY!
Through perseverance, Randy is now in a position to achieve something he never thought possible. On June 15th at 8:30 am, Randy will step up to the starting line for the Deka Competition. His goal? To be “America’s Fittest Male over 70 years old.” Randy is 90% there. He needs you to help him reach that last 10%!
We invite you to join us this Saturday for the Deka event to cheer on Randy.
Deka is a fitness test/competition/event/race that welcomes ALL levels of fitness to celebrate together. We would love for you not only to show up for Randy but also to show up for yourself. It’s time to test your own limits. Space is limited – sign up here
If you have a story of your own, or know somebody with an inspiring story, we want to hear more about you! Send us an email: